Tuesday, November 18, 2008

blogus interruptus ...

... the medical sounding term that my sister who is a wordsmith coined for the dry spell that bloggers go through in which they are unmotivated to update their blogs or unable to come up with any posts that articulate anything of sense... 

Blogus Interruptus! 


Anonymous said...

I think the definition for baheesi is changing. Black smith to word smith... including Uncle Katungi and his stories! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I have gained much insight into the direction and course that this ministry is taking through the blogs you have posted.

Where people may get distracted doing other things while being given a message in person, it is funny how they give all of their attention to something while reading it.

I guess it is the same with the bible. People tend to get more from the bible when they take the time to sit down and read it for thmeselves.

I remember one comment that you made that has stuck with me. Maybe not a direct quote....

" You can tell the people that spend time alone with God by the way they talk to Him in public"

Thanks for the blogs.

They entertain and inspire.

Anonymous said...

Today is one of those days I checked-up on the blog - to see if there was anything new! Good to see activity! I'm looking forward to an uninterruptus of the blogus!

There are days that I look on to those places where I know I'll be drawn closer to God in communion with others - this is one of those places.

Mary Pat